Higher Self Reconnection & Unification

higher self reconnectionEvery individual Soul on this planet has many facets or aspects to their being, physical expression being only one of them. The spiritual aspect of you that animates your body and departs upon physical death is known as the Soul. Inside your Soul is an access point that allows your soul, YOU, to reconnect with your Higher Self or I AM Presence. This is referred to as Higher Self Reconnection.

It is a common misnomer that because the Spirit animates the physical body that the Higher Self is already “indwelling”. But the fact is that although the Spirit inhabits the body or embodies the human, the I AM Presence or Higher Self aspect of that Spirit must be embraced and invited to dwell within your pristine physical body! This is why many folks, try as they may, can’t seem to feel a solid connection with their Higher Self  or the Guidance of their Mighty I AM Presence because the process of calling in their I AM to indwell and holding high enough vibrations to keep it anchored within the physical body has never been completed.

When done properly, the Higher Self Reconnection is achieved by being firmly anchored in at the root chakra. The important thing to understand and remember is that in order for your Mighty I AM Presence to merge and anchor within your physical body, your body must be cleared and pristinely aligned with oneness and your soul’s true divine plan in order for your body to accommodate the high frequency of light that your indwelling I AM Presence instills in a higher self reconnection.

One must also have a firm grasp and understanding of the truth that there is NO SEPARATION between you and God, Source, Prime Creator… NONE. You are an aspect of God in Physical Expression. We all are!! Those on the path back to their true Divine nature and innocence understand that that we are each the sole creators of our lives and every experience we each have ever had. We are creating ourselves and our lives NEW with each belief, thought, emotion and precious breath that we take. If you are on this path, whether just arriving or a seasoned lightworker, the calling back to your own Soul’s Divine Plan and the Divine Plan of New Earth within you will feel seemingly inescapable.

Powerful I AM Presence Integration Session!

I have been guided by the Divine Mother to now hone in on my gifts as a Higher Self Channel and Activator to now include the Higher Self Reconnection & I AM Presence Unification Session to those who are being guided to receive it. This 2 part Clearing and Reconnection Session is very powerful and is not intended for those who do not yet view and truly know yourselves as the Master Creators that you are. Reconnection with your Higher I AM Presence is not to be taken lightly.

Full alignment with your I AM selves and the Law of One is needed in order to successfully merge with your Higher Presence and ascend with your beautiful body intact. Those with New Earth Soul Agreements and following the Path of Oneness will inevitably be called from within by their own Resident God Selves and Mother God to pristinely align with the Law of One and their own True Original Divine Innocence to begin the process of merging with their I AM Consciousness so they can hold that connection and higher vibration no matter what is going on around them. This process of higher self reconnection empowers you to make choices that are aligned with your own Divine Plan and Purpose for BE-ing instead of trying with all your human might to do it on your own Your I AM Presence should be the light that illuminates your path and your being, expressed in all you say and do, in every choice that you make as you call forth the recreation of your life, your body and your world. Empowered by the Presence of your indwelling and Mighty Higher I AM Self.

Higher Self Reconnection – How Can It Help You?

* In the Higher Self Reconnection Session Your Higher Self will assist us to locate, clean, clear and pristine your entire body and being of everything that is not aligned with the Law of One.

* You will achieve full activation and alignment with your Higher I AM Presence and the Law of One according to your Soul’s Divine Plan.

* Written Report of percentage of your current Higher Self Access and other important readings of before & after session so you can see the progress you’ve made.

* You will be given practical hands on instruction for staying connected to your Higher Self at all times and how to tell when you’re no longer connected!

In this Higher Self Reconnection & I AM Presence Unification Session I will be using a combination of dowsing and divinely guided intuition to first assess what percent of your Higher Self is currently present in your physical body and what percept of your physical body is aligned with oneness so that your Mighty I AM Presence can be called forth to fully merge with and into your body. During our session, all blocks programs and patterns created in this lifetime as well as past lives will be assessed, brought to the surface and cleared all guided by your own Higher Self. If you are being called to merge in sacred union with your Higher Self in preparation for ascension and to experience being the living expression of God right from your beautiful body then this Sacred Higher Self Reconnection Session is for YOU!

Let The Reconnection Begin!

How Much Does the Higher Self Reconnection Session Cost?

The Energy Exchange for this 2 part Higher Self Reconnection Session with HS Assessment is currently


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This session includes a written Higher Self Assessment of before and after progress in the final report. You can order the Higher Self Reconnection & I AM Presence Session by Clicking the Paypal Button Below!

[After Paypal payment has been made, you will be returned to this website. You will receive a Paypal receipt right away as well as an email from YaMa’EL within 24 hours of ordering confirming your Scheduled Session Date along with further details about this session. Within 24 hours of your session being completed, you will receive a FINAL report from YaMa’EL detailing your Higher Self Reconnection session along with any messages or guidance received in your behalf ]

In love and oneness I AM, YaMaEL