Ultimate DNA Clearing For Your Mind, Body and Soul!

If you want to learn how to Activate Your Full Potential in your Multidimensional DNA, you must begin with clearing your DNA on all levels. This includes clearing your full Energetic Anatomy – your 15 Chakra System and Auric Field of all attachments, blockages, entities and occupants and clearing all karmic blockages, patterns and karmic loops that keep repeating themselves in your life. This also includes clearing all ancestral karma that you inherited at birth from your parents and ancestors. And lastly, it includes clearing your physical body and meridians of all unnatural implants and death seals. All of this can be done in ONE Powerful Session; The Ultimate DNA Clearing Session!
What Is Included In The Ultimate DNA Clearing?
I offer these services separately, but for those on a path of mastering their highest potential, I am asked on a frequent basis if I offer a bundle discount for the 3 DNA Clearing sessions which are;
The Advanced Auric Clearing is a High Frequency 2 part session in one, as it includes 2 Advanced Master Codes, one for clearing the etheric body (all 15 chakras, (7 physical chakras and 8 morphogenetic chakras) and your entire energetic field) which the original 15D auric clearing session offered but this session also includes a 2nd Master Code for clearing the physical body of aches, pain, sickness and any other dis-ease going on. All in ONE session! If you are worried about becoming sick in light of the world events currently happening regarding the coronavirus, I highly suggest this new Advanced Auric Clearing to help you clear them so you can raise your frequencies above the fear and mass hysteria, and raise your vibrations above those of the virus so you can stay healthy!
This powerful clears the HIGHEST PRIORITY Karmic Imprints from this life as well as ALL past lives, including those we received at conception that are energetic distortions anchored into your personal grid and DNA template, which every person on earth has. if you have had a lifetime of repeating patterns that keep you stuck, or repeating relationship issues, repeating problems with finances, etc.. then you REALLY need the Karmic Clearing as it clears all of that plus all inherited karma from your parents and ancestors.
The Jehovian Seals or J-Seals were energetically and maliciously placed by the Jehovian Anunnaki on the Earth at Axiatonal Line 7 as distortions in the Earth’s Energy Grid System. Since earth and our energetic anatomies are identical, we inherit anything that happens to the earth at the time of conception. When we do a J Seal Removal Session, our energetic anatomy is directly connected to the earth so when we clear ourselves, we also clear that area of the earth. Every human on earth has these seals until they are cleared. This session also powerfully clears ALL unwanted seals, implants and tags that hold you back from evolving as these things block the DNA from activating past the 3rd strand. If you want to activate your DNA’s full potential, you MUST clear all of these seals, implants and tags.
This Powerful DNA Clearing Session also includes the following Bonus Clearings and Activations:
1) Scanning for all Golden Web Tears that may be present in your 7 Physical Chakras and clearing them!
2) Activation of your 4 major Brain Centers (Pineal, Pituitary, Medulla Oblongata, and the Hypothalamus Glands!
3) Activation of your DNA Template (divine blueprints) to the highest possible frequency that you can hold at this time!
4) An Energetic Download for you from your Higher Self that will allow you to EMBODY more of your Higher Self and hold those frequencies here in the physical!
If you feel called to receive these 3 clearing sessions to raise your vibrations and prepare your energetic anatomy for DNA Activation, then I am offering you the ULTIMATE DNA CLEARING Bundle Package that will save you nearly 20% off the regular price of these 3 POWERFUL Clearing Sessions.
These 3 sessions normally cost $616.00 when ordered separately, but for a limited time you can get this special bundle package of all 3 DNA Clearing Sessions for over 16% OFF at ONLY $516! This is a savings of $100!!
If you are ready to experience the Ultimate DNA Clearing and experiencing many wonderful changes in your life by receiving this powerful 2 hour 3 Session Package that includes 3 full sessions in one, just click the ADD TO CART button below!
Click the “Add To Cart” Button Below To Add This Session To Your Cart.
Once you’ve added an item to your cart, you may proceed to other pages to add more sessions to your cart if desired.
[After Paypal payment has been made, you will be returned to this website. You will receive a Paypal receipt as well as an email from YaMa’EL confirming the Scheduled date of your Energy Healing Session. Within 24 hours of your session being completed, you will receive a final email report from YaMa’EL detailing your session along with any messages or guidance received in your behalf ]